GTE - Global Tunnelling Experts
GTE stands for Global Tunnelling Experts
Here you will find, what does GTE stand for in Manpower under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Global Tunnelling Experts? Global Tunnelling Experts can be abbreviated as GTE What does GTE stand for? GTE stands for Global Tunnelling Experts. What does Global Tunnelling Experts mean?The Netherlands based company is located in Capelle, Zuid-Holland engaged in staffing and recruiting industry.
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Alternative definitions of GTE
- General Telephone and Electronics
- General Theory of Evolution
- Groote Eylandt airport
- Gran Tierra Energy Inc.
- Great Telephone Experiment
- Go To Eliminator
- Ground That Electricity
- Greedy Telephone Empire
View 56 other definitions of GTE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- GIF Green Isle Foods
- GIGEB Goodwill Industries of the Greater East Bay
- GRIAS Global Remote Integrated Access Solutions
- GLSN General Logistics Systems Netherlands
- GERC Grey Eagle Resort and Casino
- GUS Globe Union Services
- GRM Government of the Republic of Macedonia
- GWW Gotham Writers Workshop
- GRPL Grand Rapids Public Library
- GCPPL Global Consumer Products Private Limited
- GCS Glynn County Schools
- GSR Global Software Resources
- GRMC Grinnell Regional Medical Center
- GCC Gloucester City Council
- GSWCF Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
- GPL Gale Pacific Limited
- GISA Goodwill Industries of San Antonio
- GHE Gulf House Engineering